How to Make Habits the Easy Way

It’s not what you think: How this one method is different from the others Have you ever tried making a New Years resolution? How successful were you in sticking with that resolution? A quick search online shows that 8 in 10 resolutions fail by February. Its not what you chose as a resolution, but the strategy that most people employ that leads to the failure. I am going to outline a new strategy I recently learned about from a small book called Mini Habits by Stephen Guise.

Full Immersion Coffee

Clever dripper     As I mentioned in my post on how to make strong coffee, I use the full immersion coffee method. This has been my favorite method for almost 3 years. I was thinking back about how I can across this method and the story came back to me. My daughter had just been born, and a good friend who already had kids told me that I was going to need some strong coffee.