Perl and Prolog

I just started playing with the perl module Language::Prolog::Yaswi which allows you to interface with SWI Prolog. It has a few quirks, but it seems to work well. I could not get the consult to work as expected using paths outside the current directory. To get around this limitation, I could simple read the contents of a file located outside the current directory. Then simple call the swi_inline to consult the code.

How to split pdf into multiple files

Split pdf files into single page pdf files with this free tool Here is a quick tip on how you can split pdf files with multiple pages into single page pdf files on windows using a free command line utility called the pdf toolkit pdftk by pdflabs. Say you have a large number of paper documents that you want to scan then extract the text from. Adobe Acrobat Professional offers the ability to batch process a folder of pdf files and OCR them and extract the text from them.

How to clean eye glasses

Here is the simple method you can use to clean eye glasses. This method is safe and will not harm glasses with anti-reflective coatings. I have been using this method for years, and I told my co-worker about it. I did not give it much thought, but she said it works really well for her. So I decided to share it with everyone. I use to buy these lens cleaner wipes from the local pharmacy, but I found this method works much better.

Go projects

Go Projects Here is a very useful tip for finding go projects based on a keyword search. I recently had to parse a large number of Excel xlsx and xls files for a regulatory compliance request. I would have traditionally used a Perl module for this, but the version of the module for xlsx that I had was prone to some memory issues. Go does not really have a CPAN for those just learning golang.

Model View Controller Architecture MVC

The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern is very popular in the web applications world. Many web programmers might have a story about a web project that grew out of hand with messy asp or php pages. The html and scripting language can grow so close that you would need a designer and program handcuffed together to make a minor change to the system. This can present a major problem both for resources and for future maintenance.